Arrival Of Eloise Wagner De Bosquet On Floreana

Arrival of Eloise Wagner de Bosquet on Floreana

A New Group of Settlers

In October 1932, a third group of settlers arrived on Floreana. This group was led by a woman who was likely a high-level fraudster. She called herself Eloise Wagner de Bosquet and claimed to be an Austrian baroness.

An Imposing Arrival

Perhaps the most audacious of these émigré dreamers was Eloise Bosquet de Wagner, also known as Eloise Bosquet de Wagner Wehrhorn and Eloise Wagner de Bousquet. Eloise, self-proclaimed Baroness Wagner de Bousquet, arrived on the island in 1932 carrying eighty hundredweight of cement - and an entourage of four men.

A Lasting Impression

The arrival of Eloise Wagner de Bosquet on Floreana was a pivotal moment in the island's history. Her audacious arrival, coupled with her mysterious background and bold plans, left a lasting impression on the island's small community and left an enduring legacy on the island's lore.

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